
  • Module – a discrete group of pages or routes built into the core code of Mercury
  • Extension – additional classes, scripts, stylesheets, media, etc. that is included on top of Mercury


  1. User
    The entity that will be accessing the application and performing tasks.
  2. Token
    The session of a user who is currently, or has been, logged in. May be in an active or expired state.
  3. Secret
    A key used to access the InfoCentral API without requiring a User.
  4. Permission
    A static string that is used to determine access to parts of the application.
  5. Role
    A set of Permission objects with a human-readable name.
  6. Notification
    A message received by a User.
  7. Bulletin
    A scheduled message tied to one or more Roles.
  8. Attribute
    A state or descriptor tied to many different kinds of objects.
  9. History
    A record of state change of an object, tied to the User who performed it.
  10. HistoryItem
    An entry in a History object detailing the change in a specific attribute of an object.

Permissions (as of InfoCentral 1.2.0)

Permission codes are (typically) laid out as _–<r/w/rw>.

  • api-settings, perform all operations dealing with Secrets
  • settings, configure users, roles, bulletins, and send notifications
  • facilities, access the facilities portal
  • facilitiescore_facilities-r, view buildings and locations
  • facilitiescore_facilities-w, create,update,delete buildings and locations
  • itsm, access the netcenter portal
  • itsmmonitor, see the monitor tab
  • itsmmonitor-hosts-r, view the network monitor
  • itsmmonitor-hosts-w, edit network monitor categories
  • itsm_ait, see the applications tab
  • itsm_ait-apps-r, view applications
  • itsm_ait-apps-w, create/update applications
  • itsm_devices, view the devices tab
  • itsm_devices-hosts-r, view hosts
  • itsm_devices-hosts-w, create/update/delete hosts
  • itsm_dhcplogs-r, view dhcp logs
  • itsm_inventory, view the inventory tab
  • itsm_inventory-assets-r, view assets
  • itsm_inventory-assets-w, edit assets and use the asset worksheet, and view warehouse and building/location codes
  • itsm_inventory-commodities-r, view commodities
  • itsm_inventory-commodities-w, create/update/delete commodities
  • itsm_inventory-discards-r, view discard orders
  • itsm_inventory-discards-w, create/update discard orders
  • itsm_inventory-purchaseorders-r, view purchase orders
  • itsm_inventory-purchaseorders-w, create/update purchase orders, and view commodity codes/names
  • itsm_inventory-settings-rw, configure commodity asset types
  • itsm_inventory-vendors-r, view commodity vendors
  • itsm_inventory-vendors-w, create/update/delete commodity vendors
  • itsm_inventory-warehouses-r, view asset warehouses
  • itsm_inventory-warehouses-w, create/update/delete asset warehouses
  • itsm_web, view the web tab
  • itsm_web-aliases-rw, create/update/delete URL aliases
  • itsm_web-registrars-r, view domain registrars
  • itsm_web-registrars-w, create/update/delete domain registrars
  • itsm_web-vhosts-r, view virtual hosts
  • itsm_web-vhosts-w, create/update/delete virtual hosts, view host devices
  • itsm_weblogs, view web logs for a virtual host
  • tickets, view the ticket portal
  • tickets-admin, configure workspaces and teams
  • tickets-agent, view the agent tab, service desk, and workspaces the agent is assigned to
  • tickets-customer, view the request portal and use it to submit request tickets