

Locate ‘Config-Generic.class.php’ in the ‘src’ directory. This file must be renamed to ‘Config.class.php’.
This file contains the following options in the OPTIONS constant array:

  • baseURL, the full URL that InfoCentral is running on, e.x. ‘
  • baseURI, any part after the specified baseURL that needs to be added to access InfoCentral, this can usually be left as ‘/’
  • databaseHost, Name, User, Password all refer to your database server, database name, and user account
  • salt, a SALT that will be used when encrypting passwords, use the one generated in setup.php
  • allowMultipleSessions, if true, logging in from another location will not invalidate a User session
  • enabledExtensions, an array of extension names that should be enabled
  • ldapEnabled, allow LDAP accounts to be created
  • ldapDomainController, the FQDN of your authoritative domain controller
  • ldapDomain, the common name for your domain, e.x. ‘TEST’
  • ldapDomainDn, the DN of your domain, e.x. ‘dc=test, dc=local’
  • ldapUsername, Password refer to a Domain Administrator account that can change passwords and perform queries
  • emailEnabled, allow email notifications to be sent
  • emailHost, Port, Auth, Username, Password refer to host names and credentials from your email provider
  • emailFromAddress, the address emails will be marked as sent from
  • emailFromName, the name that will show up for the ‘from’ address


Locate ‘Config-Generic.class.php’ in the ‘src’ directory. This file must be renamed to ‘Config.class.php’.
This file contains the following options in the OPTIONS constant array:

  • appName, the name to be displayed in the application, e.g. tab titles, about page
  • companyName, this will appear under the company logo in the application header
  • baseURL, this is the protocol, subdomain, domain, and TLD that InfoScape will be running on
  • baseURI, specify if InfoScape is running in a subdirectory of the baseURL
  • cookieName, the name of the session cookie
  • icURL, the full path (including protocol) to the InfoCentral server
  • icSecret, the InfoCentral-issued API key, use the secret generated in setup.php
  • ipWhitelist, an optional array to specify IP addresses and networks (e.g., that are allowed to access PublicDocuments set to filter traffic
  • enabledExtensions, an array of extension names that should be enabled


Additional extensions are available that add functionality to Mercury. The current extensions are:

  • Facilities Management (facilities)
  • Network Central (netcenter)
  • Service Center (tickets)

Extensions are containers of their own class files and resources located in the ‘extensions’ directory of both InfoCentral and InfoScape. Extensions will need to be enabled in the configurations of both applications. This will be covered later.